Monthly Archives: October 2019


German Episcopal Conference

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KCP criticized market-hostile messages of the 97th German Catholic day Cologne executives Chief Marc Emde, may 27, 2008 the 97th German Catholic day came yesterday in Osnabruck to an end. The meeting has shown once again that Catholic lay associations and Bishops often have a troubled relationship with the market. In fact, it would be the task of such a mass, to bring the message of Jesus Christ among the people. But unfortunately many lay people and dignitaries carry their anti-capitalism like a monstrance”, criticizes the Cologne Economist Marc Emde of the KCP executives staffing services company. In particular on the final weekend, representatives of the Catholic Church and guests had called for a stronger commitment of the State. Had Reinhard Marx said according to a newspaper report, is the Chairman of the Commission for social issues of the German Episcopal Conference, he never had a sympathy for Hartz IV”as a permanent solution. The Chairman of the German Bishops ‘ Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, welcomed an official press release according to, engage more and more Catholics among the Social Democrats.

What would the Church actually say if representative would submit proposals to the economy permanently, as the priest shortage to help is how to handle were cases of abuse in the Catholic Church, parishes should be placed together in any form and whether the clergy should take a more conservative or more liberal direction. Admit it, it sounds absurd. But it’s equally absurd, if people who don’t bring the necessary expertise, abusing a forum such as the Catholic day to operate against capitalism.” “If it is true that a peace activist in a mass before about 100 believers the violent protests of the civil disobedient” of the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm defends have, then this is a scandal. Anarchists have partly seriously injured at that time several hundred policemen. Here the Church must distance himself sharply. Violent Anti capitalism may have no chance in Germany and is not compatible with the message of love, which preach the Christian”, so Edmonds. Company: KCP executives was founded in 2001 as a spin-off from two international recruiters and advises companies and institutions in the sectors of high-tech engineering, direct marketing, call center, mail order, telecommunications, food, health care, banks and insurance companies along their value chain in the areas Executive Search/direct sourcing, interim management Web-based personnel Diagnostics management consulting and remuneration consultancy. Contact person: Marc Emde Tel: 0170 542 9668 Ansgar Lange network integrated communication Tel. 0228 6204384


Manifest Destination

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The look directed toward America launched for the American north not recente, since its foundation as country that this comes searching a complete etotal subordination of the American Latins its I judge, however, asresistncias come growing to each moment and as it affirms authors as JamesPetras, currently it has a new configuration in America and excellent oportunidadepara a free American Latin economy of American dependence North. The origin of the expansion American north for Latin America. The defense of the ideals of superiority of U.S.A. in America comes of the ideologiado manifest destination, according to this ideology, the United States seriamsuperiores to the other peoples of the continent, therefore they would have as to destinocivilizar the too much peoples of America, as Spanish, aboriginal and Portuguese. This ideology if confuses with the Monroe Doctrine, president of U.S.A. em1823, during a speech, it pronounced the phrase ' ' America for americanos' ' , in the direction not to protect the Americans of the Europeans, but so only nosentido of that the north American is that they would have that to dominate the continent.

Let us see what in it says these books to them didactic of Oldimar professor Noronha Bridges. ' ' In 1901, Theodore Rooseverlt, antigochefe of police of New York, were elect president of U.S.A., dictated its were ' ' Speaksoftly and carry big strick, you Will GO far' ' (it says bellwether and always carregueum great club, you goes far). From then on external politics of U.S.A., marked for the Manifest Destination and the Monroe doctrine, would be known as a' ' Big Diplomacy of the Great Porrete.’ ‘ 2 the didactic manuals reproduces with much efficiency what the mdiamanifesta, being that in this ticket is accurately the idea that many latinosamericanos have, harnesses it American north came back the eyes toward the AmericLatina, being that the question is well ampler of what a simple ideology, American aeconomia north since its formation that needs external factors, its economy always was represented by the exportation of merchandises, Is in this point that we need to adentrar for the question of the imperialism, aopo of U.S.A.


Interesting Traveling In Buenos Aires, Argentina

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One of my best experiences has been visiting Buenos Aires. It is known and known that Buenos Aires is very similar and similar to certain streets of Madrid or Paris. In fact Buenos Aires is the city most European of Latin America. The first thing which I call attention was the vividness and quackery of the portenos. Another uniqueness is the beef of very great quality that you can eat in the Buenos Aires restaurants. Below I have included some suggestions: sites or streets logos that you can not miss are Corrientes Street are where famous to eat pizza, books and theater without forgetting the intense nightlife. Corrientes is a solid-State Street and you have to choose a specific section, i.e., between July 9 Avenue and Callao where you can eat pizza for thousand variants, go to the cinema in the beautiful sala Leopoldo Lugones, buy new or used in Edipo Libreria books. Another very interesting street is Honduras at the heart of Palermo neighborhood that leads us to the place of Cortazar and ramshackle and bright coffee of the Taller.La conversation and the Word are very important topics in this city and one realizes immediately of the quality of the portenos as talkers and communicators and also his interest in reading and the theatre (there are hundreds of literary workshops in this city).There are a total of 55 cafes protected against possible renovations that stealing them your essence.

Among them we quote the famous Tortoni.Tambien can be considered to Buenos Aires as city of design and creativity that can be seen throughout the city especially in Palermo Soho, the neighborhood that has the same level as for example the New York’s Soho.It has many important museums such as for example the Museum of Latin American art (Malba). Another important Museum is the Museum of modern art (Mamba).Buenos Aires has touched the Rio de la Plata, very great, very wide and color Brown, near is the fashion of Puerto Madero neighborhood. Now as you know Buenos Aires brings the refinement and sophistication of a European city and sense and philosophy to live intensely in Latin America, a formula enviable when travelling all over the world.