Monthly Archives: January 2020


Motion Mountain

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Years of Lead, it walks quieter and he does not bind more. Therefore, I decided to bind and to see what it is happening. It said that he continues in the battle to emplacar its Column: Mico, Lino and that it studied proposal of New York Times, but in the test article changed the name of the Obama for Osama and the foreigners had not come back to bind. I asked as they walked the too much things and it he told what he follows. He said that he has thing that only he happens exactly in state, that it calls abandonment, that is So Paulo, that is makes 15 years, but seems not to learn, under mismanagement and good pedagiado for the U.T.I (Tucana Unit of Intelligence ).

The Lynno remembered that it has left of the Rodoanel for the Coast was set free to pressas, with toll alone stops after the Elections, but this, and others coisinhas that Motion Mountain range Uncle deceived me to Mountain range, spoke that it went to have two professors and does not have none. The boy questioned Lynno when seeing a periodical photo with the Shock troop and the Cavalry of the Military Policy restraining with bombs of gas and cassetetes the manifestation of professors strikers. Lynno, that does not have nor for the son of six years, said that policemen in such a way as professors work for the people and are badly paid for the governing Mountain range. summarized: is declared insolvent beating in badly paid, son. The government says that it does not have strike, does not leave helicopter with TV camera to show walk; at last democracy is not thing that Toucan likes or respects, prefers the bread and the circus of merenda of 20 cents Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist of the Assessorship of the Press of the City hall of Sumar email: edsonsilvajornalista@>


Institution Research

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Figure 01: pedagogical table infantile Figure 02: Infantile bookshelf Figure 03: Infantile bookshelf Figure 04: Use of the Pedagogical Table QUARREL AND CONCLUSIONS the presented work was of great importance, therefore it showed the importance of the learning and of the playful one in infancy and, this in the practical one was demonstrated, with the development of the archetype of the infantile pedagogical table and the banks. It could be learned and be known about the inserted infantile furniture in the schools and which the existing necessities. It was interesting to observe that the tables and chairs infantile in these institutions generally they are standardized, being able to be found, as much in public institutions, as in private institutions, without many differences between itself. With regard to the accomplishment of the research of field in the schools with professors and pupils, it was a chance important to know the necessities of the children and the opinion of the professors, who had been able to suggest ways to improve the furniture. One perceived that, as much the professors, how much the children, had given to extreme importance for the colors of the furniture, desiring mobile colored in the study environment. Also other necessities had been observed, as ergonomics, comfort and functionality. The field research had been essential for the development of the project, therefore they had been through them, is that the necessities for its accomplishment had been listed. A found negative aspect during the research, is that many schools had revealed distrustful, many times, believing that the research would make a species of ' ' fiscalizao' ' of existing furniture or of the pertaining to school Institution. Other schools very demanded a bureaucratic process for the accomplishment of the research and had been, therefore, discarded. Another negative aspect is that it was not possible in none of the schools, to take off photos of the pupils using the wallets, therefore it must have an authorization of the parents, who were not gifts in the day of the research.


Research Institute

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However, dwell on innovation Hakkapeliitta 5. Importantly – in the clutches As usual in the continuity of families, Hakkapeliitta 5 has a the predecessor of the best. In particular, it concerns the type of tread pattern as the best mode of behavior on the bus sludge, wet snow and melted the road. It is also observed configuration of the sharp shoulder, which is typical for northern conditions, to provide good lateral grip. New in the tread – the central rib, more rigid than the previous design, and dual . But most importantly – the decision, that the Finns dubbed the "bear claw".

It is connected directly to the construction tread, which is inserted spike. "Bear claw" – a projection on each of these checkered. Tasks to perform – to create a rubber mixture of tension, making it more solid and keep spine in position, preventing its slope. Evolution of the square tenon undergone changes and made his debut for Hakkapeliitta 4 square tenon, which received the prefix "Plus" and become completely square, with square hard metal insert, square flange and base. This achieves two positive things: a broader base improves grip on ice, and the tongue better retained in the rubber compound. In addition, a square tenon with a "plus" – an environmental sample spike. When conducting comparative studies of Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5 tires with major competitors in the independent state Research Institute of Finland (VTT) concluded that the tires wear out the major competitors roadbed to 30 percent more than the Finnish innovation.


Team Research Agency

Categories: General

If the agency's Web site stated strategic goals, review them carefully. The priorities of the agency, which aims 'to become the largest contract research company in Russia and control 75% of the market' can be revenue growth, profit, customer base, which is very far from your own business goals. Try not to be 'controlled by the market', a unique favorite client, who is allowed to call at 3 am the project manager and demand an accounting or consulting. If you're happy with second position more, look for Agency, the values are 'strict adherence to client interests and objectives in order to strengthen their market position', for example. What affects the quality of research? Above we considered some evaluation criteria that can be applied in the search for information about the research agencies.

In addition to these indicators of experience and reputation in the process become more familiar with the agencies should pay attention to other important moments. Marketing research – highly intellectual activity, which may engage in quality only to highly trained specialists. High qualification Team Research Agency includes special education for each of its members. During the initial negotiations, ask the following details. Who exactly will be busy with your project? How many of these projects worked every one of them? What is their experience in market research? What colleges and what specialties they finished? Who will manage the project, how much and what kind of projects he has successfully completed? Very it is important that agency employees who will be engaged in your research, have sufficient knowledge in academic research.


Technological Research

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With elapsing of the time the studies interdisciplinares gain character of urgency in the elaboration of solutions for complex real problems that if present and you discipline that them separately cannot decide. Also the estruturalismo, the cognitivismo and the General Theory of the Systems had contributed for the consolidation of the movement to interdisciplinar in the Europe. In the words of Von Bertalanffy one of its starters of the sistmicos studies – this is ‘ ‘ science of integrao’ ‘ , and it must have its consequences in the education: ‘ ‘ The requirements to form scientific generalistas and to display principles basic interdisciplinares are necessarily the ones that the general theory of the systems inhales satisfazer’ ‘ (Idem, P. 78) Interdisciplinaridade, is one of the ambient reality, thus perpassa sciences natural, sociology anthropology, geography, urbanism, the right-hander, the economy, politics and all the branch of the human knowledge. Values, to know and atrelado method to the solution of concrete problems. Second (Towers) alert for the following situation: ‘ ‘ that proposals as of decentralization, autonomy of the schools, flexibility of the pertaining to school programs, work in team, national evaluation of the quality in the pertaining to school institutions, freedom of election in the teaching centers, etc. Interdisciplinaridade or transversalidade is boardings that, depending on the analyzed authors, are confused and whose differences definitively are not established.

Being privileged one or another one, it is certain that for both it is possible to use the perspective goal disciplines, as a tool capable to establish a cosmo-vision from which if it can organize the pertaining to school resume. To think the resume for pedagogical the Ambient Education as proposal is to think as the ticket of old modern cosmology for new cosmology (new system of thought for the moment called after – modern) rees-echo in the practical one of classroom. For this we think that the adoption of the perspective to metadisciplinar can be useful. Second (Doll), ‘ ‘ In the instrucional level the implications of the theory of the chaos deal mainly with the recurso concept (iteration), where the individual exactly comes back its look toward itself; through this auto-referencial experience a sense of self and valor’ emerges; ‘. Plus a process of transformation experience and but a process to dominate a product determined, or one ‘ track to be corrida’. (Doll, 1997, 114). Beyond the look for itself exactly, the recurso provides a look for the past of its walked in the elaboration of the knowledge, thus surpassing fragmented learning and stanches.

Second (Lukesi): We educators, are part of the organizativo power in the educational experience of the pupil in four stages: ) to receive; b) to.nutrir with systematization, step – the step; c) to support during the ancillary proceeding; d) to collate the constructions of the pupil. These ideas comungam the same of principle of ‘ ‘ to negotiate tickets between us and outros’ ‘ A creative paradigm has important implications for the education and the resume.


New York

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In Amsterdam, a huge number of coffee shops, where all comers are invited menu with a list of marijuana and hashish: Thai, Afghan, Colombian, Jamaican, and more. etc. But there are limitations: in coffee shops allowed to sell alcohol and hard drugs, as well as to sell in one hand for more than five grams. Today in the Netherlands with a population of 15 million 1200 seats open sale hemp drugs. The novelty of the Netherlands legislation on drugs discovered in the late seventies years, when authorities held the line between drugs "heavy" and "light." The latter carried the substance of cannabis. Critics accuse the Dutch of the increasing number of people, especially young people, smoking marijuana, and point out weaknesses drugs as a step transition to a highly potent. The Dutch has its reasons: marijuana smokers suffer from physiological effects (increased heart rate, increased heart rate, impaired motor functions, reduction in psychomotor activity, etc.), but physical dependence on cannabis are rare, smokers do not find stable abstinence syndrome. United States, unlike the Netherlands, a country where for any narcotics use "policy of zero tolerance." Nevertheless, in New York, there are several clinics for the treatment of opiate dependence methadone.

This drug is banned in Russia, several countries in Asia and Africa. In Moscow and other cities of methadone can be bought "on the black market." For many it is just a new synthetic opiate, promising nearly the same feelings as other substances. American drug experts, most of them, the 60-ies. insist on the benefits of methadone as a weaker drugs that can ward off the plague from a strong addiction to opiate substance. He is weaker than heroin, prevents withdrawal symptoms, while at the same time removes the craving for hard drugs, etc. Nazaraliyev "Deliver and forgive", Chapter 7, p. 158-159 / Disputes to legalize soft drugs are still in both the U.S. and in Russia. But to reach a consensus very difficult. Too many arguments against it. Therefore, difficult to predict, as a society, the government of a State will treat this issue in a couple of decades.


New York And FMI

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The FMI loans money to the countries of America, however this money makes intervenesonde can be expense, thus having a direct intervention naeconomia of this country. Being that this part of the imperial state is that estmantendo its expansion to the world and America, a time that legitimizes its power, which parents goes to breach of time relations with U.S.A. and not to have fear of umaretaliao of the type suffered for Cuba.

Venezuela de Chavez not yet rompeuporque needs to vender its oil and fears a retaliation of this type. Brief consideraes words of president Venezuelan Hugo Chavez in the ones of one idea bemclara of situation of Latin America today, when it affirms that not if fecharuma can country of the relations with excessively, in the economic situation that the world vivehoje, however affirms that accepted the imposed politics and not proposal for the EUA a crime, is to all renegar the past of fight of this continent against exploraodesumana that already is long ago created in America with the slavery and dEuropa depended. The models of American domination north are well clear and the exemplosesto the test, as Mexico, its neighbor and commercial partner, have economiafragilizada, therefore the relations are different, a time that U.S.A. has empresaspara to go to Mexico and to vender its products, the Mexicans do not have access to bensde consumption basic and continues in the dependence, divides external growing stabilized eeconomia. The empire American north is formed by an established economy naespeculao of capitals, at this moment it is passing for a crisis that explodiuno real estate sector and shook all the economy of the country, its expansion estbaseada in the terorrismo of state, that if fortified and appeared with bigger force emenos disguise after to the attack the towers moans of New York. World-wide the economic panorama points with respect to these questions, U.S.A. procurandomercado to any cost, fits to the emergent states to say what they want, emcerto point what they can make ahead of the military apelos of U.S.A.

We cannot negarque these parents is in fact the greater harnesses to militate of the planet, and as in such a way nodispensa chance to show its force. Bibliography Brazilian Central Bank. Available in:, access in 30/04/2009. Cardoso, Oldimar Bridges, History Today, 1 Ed. So Paulo, Stoke, 2006. Konra, KaiserOs MilitaresLatino-Americans Seen for Hugo Chavez, CCH. As requisite for second AP of it disciplines. 2 Cardoso, Oldimar Bridges, HistoriHoje, 1 Ed. So Paulo, Stokes, 2006. 3 new Oliveiras, Mariana Lopes.As faces of the North American imperialism: theoretical rocking. In WWW. Rebelion. Og. Access in 01/05/2009. 4 Brazilian Central Bank. Available in:, access in 30/04/2009. Konra, Kaiser the Latin American Military Seen by Hugo Chavez, Access in 01/05/2009. 6 Petras, James. Empire ePolticas revolutionary in America> Latin, – So Paulo. Xam, 2002.


New York Journal

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for various reasons. This is mainly explained by an active civic and social position Twain. Some works that might offend the religious feelings people, Twain did not publish at the request of his family. For example, the "Mysterious Stranger" has remained unpublished until 1916. But the most controversial work of Mark Twain, perhaps, was a humorous lecture at the Paris Club, published under the title "Reflections on the science of onanism." The central idea of the lecture was: "If I have to risk their lives on the sexual front, do not masturbate too much." It was published only in 1943 limited edition of 50 copies. A few more anti-religious works were not printed until 1940. Later years, Mark Twain's success began to fade smoothly.

Until his death in 1910 he suffered the loss of three of the four children, died, and lovely wife Olivia. In his later years, Twain was in deep depression, but was still able to joke. In response to the erroneous obituary in New York Journal he uttered his famous words: "Rumors of my death greatly exaggerated. " Twain's financial position also deteriorated, his publishing company went bankrupt, and he put a lot of money into a new model of the printing press, which never was put into production; plagiarists steal rights to several of his books. In 1893, Twain was represented by oil magnate Henry Rogers, one of the directors of the company Standard Oil.

Rogers helped Twain advantageous to reorganize the financial affairs, and they became close friends. Twain often visited with Rogers, they drank and played poker. for knowledge. We can say that even Mark Twain was for Rogers, a family member. The sudden death of Rogers in 1909 deeply shocked Twain. Although Mark Twain repeatedly publicly thanked for Rogers rescue from financial collapse, it became clear that their friendship was mutually beneficial. Apparently, Twain made a significant impact on mitigating the steep temper oil tycoon, who had the nickname "Cerberus Rogers." After the death of Rogers his paper has shown that friendship with famed writer did in this merciless miser benefactor and philanthropist. During a friendship with Twain Rogers began to actively support education, organized educational programs, especially for blacks and talented people with disabilities. The house-museum of Mark Twain in Hartford, Twain himself died April 21, 1910 from angina pectoris. A year before his death, he said, "I came in 1835 with Comet Halley, a year later she arrives again, and I expect to leave with her. " And so it happened. In the town of Hannibal, Missouri, kept the house in which a boy was playing Sam Clemens, and caves, which he studied as a child, and who were later described in his famous "Adventures of Tom Sawyer," there now come the tourists. Mark Twain House in Hartford, turned in his personal museum in the United States and declared a national historic domain.