What if the imagination, stories already has written, still impossible in her will, than as a story-teller could imagine it. In the short story the new chip generation “is the networking to an infallible truth, which is accelerated by the media. The obscure reality scares us even more that this possibility could be done already feasible and perhaps even imperceptibly. Control structures “tells of an average citizen who is from an initial idea to the end in itself, to the fanatics. The primary running is addictive and curtails the freedom of his roommate. Unfortunately, there are these monitoring strategies in many cities, sad reality, but the possibilities of each individual person, are still extremely high.
As a hoax, can become one of the largest religions of the world, we are experiencing in the tale of the Weltenheiler”. The origin lies in an obscure past. Not understandable for the subsequent generations. The present, however, considers it the reality that pervades every structure in the society. And yet, all these stories are somehow connected, as the common denominator, the dissolution of the old, applies to the unconditional reorientation. Softcover: 172 pages Publisher: BOD Edition: 1 (October 1, 2007) language: German ISBN-10: 3837008622 ISBN-13: 978-3837008623 price: 12,48 EUR