It has arrived at Australia to initiate a running that will last four months. It will interpret to Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of history. This will be the fifth adaptation to the cinema of the novel of Scott Fitzgerald. The American actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrived east Monday at Australia to roll his next film, remake of the adaptation of the novel of Scott Fitzgerald, the great Gatsby. DiCaprio landed in the airport of Sidney followed by its retinue of guards of security adorned with a sport sweater shirt covered with the hood and a cap with baseball, to which sun glasses and beard of several days were added. The star of Hollywood ignored the questions of the local press that waited for their arrival while it relaxed sending messages with his movable telephone. The actor, of 36 years of age, will remain in next Australian earth the four months rolling the great Gatsby, where he will interpret the played main role to Jay Gatsby, a young millionaire of doubtful reputation.
The novel of Scott Fitzgeral is developed in the New York of years 20 stops to portray the high North American society of the time. This will be the fifth time that adapts the book of Fitzgerald for the cinema or television. DiCaprio has been name in several occasions the Oscar, without gaining no, and has rolled with some of the most famous directors of the seventh art. Source of the news: DiCaprio, ready to roll ' remake' of ' The great Gatsby'