Myth 1: You can not upload full synthetic motor oil, whereas before there was covered with mineral – it will curdle. NEPRAVDA.Sovremennye synthetic oils based on polyesters and quietly transferred polialfolefinov mixing with mineral, semi or fully synthetic oils other. According to McPlant, who has experience with these questions. The only exception – synthetic motor oils on the basis of glycols, which are no longer produced (glycols in the car used now only as a component of antifreeze). Myth 2: Before pouring the new oil must be washed, such as motor, spindle oil. WRONG. Completely drain the oil from the engine can not: tire about 10%. The rest of the 'wash', mixed with a new one (especially a good synthetic) oil, can unbalance the additive package.
Therefore any 'flushing' when changing the oil should not be used! As a last resort If you simply reduce the interval before the next oil change (up to a value-depends on the type of contamination and 'old' oil and engine). Myth 3: You can not fill synthetic oil in older engines, you can spoil engine. WRONG. Synthetic oils can be poured in today's engines, as well as in older. However, modern synthetic oil has good cleansing properties and is able to wash away accumulated in the engine deposits. These deposits can clog the system of engine lubrication. In addition, cleaning old and has already lost its elasticity seals, oil flushes sediment from the gap and cause 'leakage'. That these effects were the basis of this myth. To deal with them easily, after the transition to 'synthetic', the first interval until the next oil change should greatly reduce and replace all the leaking seals.