When the Party of Justice and Development Party (AKP) won victory in the 2002 Turkish general election, President Bush did not hesitate to send a disconcerting message to its European allies: the winners of the elections are moderate Islamists. It should accelerate the entry of Turkey into the European Union. Strange recommendation, because it had just begun the war against Islamist terrorism, interpreted by many Americans as a struggle between the West and Islam. To many politicians of the old continent, the suggestion of Bush supposed interference in the hesitant foreign policy of the Union. For nearly four decades, the Ottoman statesmen pledged to subsume his country geostrategic interests the politico-ideologicos objectives of the great American ally.
The apparent symbiosis between Washington and Ankara contrasted with the reluctance of some European members of NATO, more likely to resort to diplomacy in dealings with Moscow and its allies in the so-called Socialist camp. The missiles deployed in Germany, Turkey or England not precipitated the fall of the Berlin wall. Russia and its allies were unable to build an economic system capable of confronting the opulence of the West. The owners of the Kremlin had to surrender by the ineffectiveness of its socio-economic system. A model of society that drew attention, in the twenties of the last century, the father of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk Mustafa. In the structures of the Turkish State Leninist revolution found some similarities with the patterns.
However, Ataturk did not emulate the Soviet model, considering it too rigid and little consistent with the objective of the young Turks: build a modern country of Western Court. However, the peculiarities of Turkey, former imperial power who lost their possessions Balkan, North African and Asian in less than a century, forcing establishing unusual State structures in the West. The National Council Security (CNS), body control and surveillance of secularism, integrated mostly by high ranking military, has been criticized by the statesmen of the old continent, unwilling to accept the participation of the military establishment in the political life of the country.