The chestnut and the cashew, although to be temporary activity, are responsible for good part of the income of the population, beyond all the production of circunvizinhanas to converge to Aruaru, heating the wholesale trading, retail and the popular fair. The feirantes come of the neighboring cities for the fair that always happens to the sundays. Together with the local commerce they represent the biggest sector of income generation and circulation of currency. The cattle one tends to place Aruaru as important milk producer, cheese, and etc. the creation of bovines, goat swines, ovinos and comes blunting as an important alternative economic activity. The fishing activity is not developed.
The River Pirang, food source during the winter, turned desert during the summer. But, with the construction of the Dam of Jambs it was perenizado. The fishing activity comes growing with the formation of criatrios of fish as: of face, curimat, and etc. Already exists the shed of the fishing, place where the fish commercialization will have to transit. The bee honey represents great possibilities of generation of job and income. The beehives of Italian bees, implanted with the support of the Project Queen are several and the BNB. The Association Is Joo Baptist represents the beekeepers of Aruaru.
The moveleira industry, in a recent past, lived its moments of glory. You would saw prospered providing to job and income. With the foundation of the Association of the Moveleiros and support of the SEBRAE, Aruaru was located as important moveleiro industrial district of the Cear, getting repercussion in all domestic territory and also in New York for intermediary of the current Ciro minister Gomes. The association had the state as bigger estudantis wallet purchaser. Unhappyly, had the new law of licitations, the state left to execute this paper and, consequently, the number of you would saw have diminished frightfully provoking unemployment. This situation could be reverted if Aruaru to receive the support that it needs to grow. Text removed of the research ' ' Movement Aruaru Independente' ' Author of the text: Alzenira Rodrigues