A task to which few people dedicate themselves anywhere in the world very. " It is necessary to demystify profesin" , it says one of these hunters. In Africa and South America they are easier to notice meteorites. They cross the planet in search of fragments of cosmic matter that crash against the Earth surface; they are " cazadores" of meteorites, a task to which body and soul are dedicated in very few people in the world, between that it appears leonine Jose Married Vicente. " To find meteorites is my form to live, that is my trabajo" , it affirms Married, who in an interview has wanted " desmitificar" some of the legend that circulates around these rocks of the space. " People see meteorites continuously throughout and, in addition, she thinks that they are enormous, that she is going to us to fall one above and we go away to extinguir" , it summarizes.
In his opinion, it is thought that they abound, but to give with one is " something extraordinario" , because although a fleeting star in the horizon is seen and it is presumed that it is close, can fall to thousands of kilometers. Married, that takes more than fifteen years " cazando" meteorites and have the collection of approximately 120 pieces, most complete of Spain, according to emphasize, comment that anywhere in the world it will not have more than twenty people than they have this profession. Its habitual way of work consists of moving to desert zones of Africa and South America, where is easier to notice the presence of these rocks " at first " , since vegetation does not exist hides that them. However, also it has found meteorites in Spain, like which it found in the province of Palencia in 2004, in a zone of mount and oaks, circumstance that made difficult its search.