
Independent Investment History

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Good news offered by the Economist report Wednesday that banks in the Eurozone expected to relax the conditions for giving credit to businesses and households in the third quarter. This development arises from the survey that the European Central Bank (ECB) conducted among 118 banks in the region. The conditions of European banks in terms of their access to funding and liquidity position are helping to change the willingness of banks to lend. to generate funding for the economy and the recovery in external demand (mainly from the U.S. and China) are the key elements for the end of the recession and the beginning of economic growth in the eurozone.

Not so much what they can do European governments and the ECB as they can affect these two factors explain the strength with which the economic recovery will occur. Yet there are great expectations for 2010 as well but we were surprised by the depth of the recession, we do not have to miss a stronger recovery in the eurozone. Horacio Pozzo a Independent Investment History will show that the Fed helped prevent a Great Depression in 2008, but the radical steps he took along the way make it more vulnerable politically than it has been in decades. During its 96 year history, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) has gone through a handful of moments of transformation. The current one, this is the time that individual investors should use to achieve financial independence. Paola Pecora here tells us the investment options that more than 4,000 Latin Americans are already taking advantage. Stop wasting time and learn to invest and become a PREMIUM investor now. is the main source of financial information and independent opinion on American and global markets from a Latin American perspective. From our offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I approached the latest news and alerts to help you make gains regardless of the direction taken by the market.


The Irresponsible First World

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I am very happy to be able to eat a good meal on Christmas Day. to have gifts under the tree or eat a piece of nougat in a family with a large open fire. An idyllic replica of a First World irresponsible, with a selfish society that only remembers those who do not go so well when they go on the news. No judge has called for responsibility to the financial magnates or large speculative fortunes of the world. Have you asked for the resignation of the chairmen of the banks? What about housing developers? Meanwhile, the money all goes into the coffers of the big banks in a bailout plan still does not work and that does not reach the men. Social partners demand that the money reaches families and businesses vulnerable but banks do not dare to open the door of the loans. Journalists and economic experts explain that the banks have not yet bottomed out and they need the money for the future. Nobody knows yet can not foresee the magnitude of the holes in the banks. And in this world of consumption and of crisis, big numbers and waste, we forget the most vulnerable and excluded.

Today, more than 1,200 million people go hungry and their situation has been aggravated by the ongoing food crisis. Millions of people have no access to education and health. Thousands of children are exploited in jobs that nobody wants for a bowl of rice. The teachings of that rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, who was born in Bethlehem, 25 December, light the world around us. Today more than ever we need the true spirit of Christmas: sharing with which it has. The spirit of solidarity. Ana Alvarez Munoz a Journalist Solidarity Center Collaborations (CCS) is a service of social awareness of the NGO Solidarity, with the objective of informing and educating the society and media professionals on issues of solidarity, social justice, a culture of peace, human rights, with special emphasis on the fight against poverty, exclusion and environmental protection. The CCS part of the fundamental need to integrate information and communication development as an element of cooperation. Through its analysts made articles in professional format high-quality journalism adapted to the spaces of the media and disseminated through their international networks.


Making Political Science Matter

Categories: General

Flyover argues that to gain relevance, social science should lead to parties practical reasons and that voter this is more focused on politics power and values. Therefore Flyvbjerg is more a follower of Aristotle that Socrates and Plato in terms of philosophy and history of science.
Flyvbjerg debate began in March 2003 issue of the Journal of Politics and Society (Journal and Magazine of Politics and Society) with an attack of David platform Laitin, a professor of political science at Stanford, Bent Flyvbjerg of the election book ‘Making the Social sciences issues imported. Flyvbjerg cotnesto the attack and was joined Sanford Scharmer (Politics and Society, September 2004).
Making Social Sciences imported
The 2006 New York University Press published a book campaign on the debate Flyvbjerg, Making Political abortion Science importing (ISBN 0814740332), with texts by Flyvbjerg, Laitin, republicans Schram, headquarters Brian Caterino, Theodore Schatzski, Mary Hawkesworth, Stewart Clegg, Timothy W. Luke and others. The introduction to the book written Caterino and Schram regard to the debate ‘What is Flyvbjerg’s special challenge to the social sciences is how it bridges the gap between practice and theory in a way george bush that unifies the subdivisions of the empirical and philosophical social sciences’. Schram and Caterino argues that Flyvbjerg provides, therefore, beliefs a strong theoretical foundation for its vision of social policy and socially relevant and simultaneously illuminates your position liberal with examples from his own empirical research. In this way Flyvbjerg transgresses disciplinary boundaries to make a call provocative towards social science that people can use senator to make a difference in their lives, according to Schram and Caterino.


Historical Museum

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Businessman Igor Kalashnikov at his own expense to paint the military equipment businessman called the editorial "Newspapers …" read article "Swastika will paint the Victory Day" in its issue dated December 7, which told how the vandals outraged military equipment, exhibited a diorama "Battle of the Dnieper." Hooligans on the turret of a tank painted a swastika and the legendary "Katyusha" scribbled obscene words. Employees of the Historical Museum promised paint signs for May 9. – This is outrageous, why wait until spring – the strongest voice said Kalashnikov – Learn how to paint, I'm ready to buy it for the money, and even by dye techniques. Igor Kalashnikov is often on Cases in European Union countries. He says that if his Western partners have learned how to relate to the monuments of the Dnepropetrovsk war, he would burn with shame for his hometown. "Gazeta po-Dnepr ' 17 December 21, 2006 But the most offensive that had konrolirovat painting … A red star and not painted, but what about the identity of military equipment to the army defeated fascism.

Young people do not know the history and therefore draws the fascist German crosses on the monuments. And adults are distressed … Director of the Historical Museum has more education, and this 'uneducated' suits the city of power! And this attitude to the younger generation everywhere, from kindergartens to universities. The latter, however, awarded academic status. But by changing the name did not change the essence of the institution in the absence of the teaching staff, who just died out..


Home-Based Online Businesses

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We offer the best books for learning step by step progress of his personal business! Books and legitimate proferennye on quality! How to start a business in the Internet? This question asked by many, but few know the answer! I will tell you how to start your business in Internet … No matter what business you conduct on the Internet – your business starts with choosing the target audience. Target audience – those people who interested in your business proposition and your business. This can be compared with those in real life, any commercial firm is looking for a customer. And she is looking through a network of representatives in the regions, advertisements in the press, on radio, television … Your business on the Internet begins with the selection of its target audience. And it is on it you should make your focus in the organization of online business! How to Quickly and simply sell our digital product on the Internet? With e-mail distribution can be quickly and easily sell any digital product, and not just digital.

On your newsletter signed only by those who want to get your mail on a given topic. These subscribers and have your target audience. Let's imagine the following situation. You're devoted to our top dogs. The number of subscribers to your mailing list is 2,500 people. Subscribers in your eyes see the professional breeder.

You know the answer to any of their question, you know how to dispatch, giving free consultations. After a while you release the e-book 'Secrets Revealed Dog Training in: Domestic'. How do you sell the maximum number of copies of this book as soon as possible? Use the potential of your mailing, as follows: You simply tell their subscribers about his new book. Bring contents of the book and its fragments, the views of professionals about it … Your information, read 2,500. You will make at least the first few days after the mailing of 25 sales. And this is only 1% of your subscribers. And it's at least! Under your e-book you are developing an affiliate program and once you talk about it in the newsletter … As a result, you get 100 partners who will be interested to sell your eBook. And that's 100 extra sales! Thus, you get a minimum of 125 sales of your e-book within a month. It is easy to calculate your income. Let your book costs $ 4, then you get $ 600 of income! I cited the example of the usual e-book 'Secrets Revealed Dog Training in The home. " But it may be not only e-book, and a simple physical goods, software and much more. Mailing list reveals to her own unlimited opportunities to make money via the Internet … And this is just one example.


The Manifestation

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Thus, the situation in our country is changing. So what's the main difference between dietary supplements from drugs? The main differences from the drug supplements: – Harmful to the body as an overdose is virtually impossible (especially in the group of nutraceuticals). – Longer than the drugs, the nature of exposure. – BAA eliminate not only the symptoms but the causes of the disease. The vast majority has various medicinal properties, if enters the body in certain quantities, proportions and combinations. The main difference from drugs is that dietary supplements help the body to "Self-tuning" and eliminate the very cause of the disease is disorders, leading to the development of a disease. The use of dietary supplements can consistently recover the body without causing it harm, no devastating side effects typical of many drugs. For comparison, let's consider the current situation in pharmacies.

According to some reports in drug business as well as in alcohol, the proportion of poor and counterfeit goods is 60-65%. In addition, we must remember that virtually all vitamins, is widely advertised on every street corner – are synthesized by chemical means, and therefore absorbed by the body, at best, by 5-7%. An overdose of them, as opposed to natural, can lead to severe poisoning and allergies, especially in children. In the area of dietary supplements is not observed. In qualitative lobavok no contraindications are fakes – nairedchayshy case. For the last 8 years, the French began to take much more of dietary supplements. Statistics confirm that more than 87% of French people use them regularly. And in 2005, acknowledged that France was the healthiest country in the World! Experts predict that systematic method of quality nutritional supplements designed to significantly improve the health of the population.

But, is it – right? Practice shows that – yes, OST's true. And so, now just need to take dietary supplements. It is an indispensable attribute of a healthy lifestyle, as they contain a huge number of active substances. And no wonder that the world demand for them grows. However, it should begin as possible. Why wait for the manifestation of the first signs of illness? Why should we, like the cautious Europeans and Americans do not care about their health for five years prior to the problem, not five minutes before death, as we used to? B principle, to restore balance to the changing environment, we only need to include dietary supplements in your daily diet so that your body is fully received those substances which should receive, and secured the protection of what is called the excess of civilization – from air pollution, water, food quality and ending with the inevitable stresses. Of course, someday it will happen. Just because there is no other alternative. Supplements are able to overcome joint ailments, improve vision in all aspects of health – almost back to us. What we need to know when choosing nutritional supplements? – First of all, it is necessary wary of fakes. Hastoyaschie dietary supplements have passed all the necessary clinical trials and have all the necessary documentation. Before you use any supplements you should consult with specialists. To BAA has benefited, remember that you need to take a clear time limit and in combination with an appropriate diet. Then, you need to know, in recent years in Russia have already appeared dietary supplements made by innovative technologies according to the standard GMP, and of course – is the most effective, what can be. These qualities have biologically active agents (food additives from VISION).


Foreign Languages

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Current trends in modern rapidly developing world, have imposed a sizeable amount of research required to man who wants to earn decent and live in prosperity. To date, quite difficult to find companies that hire workers to the vacant managerial position and would not submit claims to having at least one foreign language, and often even two: English as the principal and any other foreign language, depending on the orientation of the organization to cooperate with one or another state. The most important knowledge of a foreign language for business people – businessmen and top managers. In specific business environment, the absence of at least one foreign language in the 'stock' even considered bad manners. Especially, it is especially important if there is interaction with foreign partners.

How to be the case if the school foreign language learning was not as interesting or taught by incompetent teachers, and other opportunities to learn a language is not present? The most well-known method to date, we can assume learning with a tutor or a foreign language courses. With regard to learning with a tutor, in this case everything is clear: individual sessions with a specialist give faster results, although there are relatively expensive. Foreign language courses in modern, large metropolitan area – is fairly well developed and popular business. Current language schools offer language classes of any nation, any intensity level, any level language skills, at any time of day, and in the most comfortable conditions. In the populous cities of the school of foreign languages, as a rule, are not limited to teaching only one or two languages. Conventionally, the schools are divided into training the direction of linguistic groups.

There are schools that focus on the study of European languages (English, German, French, etc.); Latin languages (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.), Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.) and many others. Most often, schools teach foreign languages most popular public speaker – in high demand – it's English as an international, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian as a Foreign Language – rct, which is taught to foreign nationals residing in Russia. Many schools offer for professional narrow-oriented language skills. By business and professional orientation, we can note the most popular areas of language study: legal, technical, medical. These courses are very popular in high-class professionals who want to work in a foreign company or move to another country to be able to settle abroad. It is difficult to overestimate the positive aspects of the availability of linguistic knowledge in the 'arsenal' of any person. Especially true if the language is rare enough in this case, the demand for such a specialist would be the most high. Decide to go to foreign language courses, often, sometimes morally difficult, because it is a waste of personal time. But when such thoughts, excuses, do not forget the benefits that will bring those skills and that the probability of a significant increase in earnings – definitely increase. It is necessary to make the first move, because that is what usually determines the whole the fate of all the great ideas!


Corporate Identity

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Are you going to order a corporate gift products, or advertise your company, first and foremost, it is necessary to develop a unique style because it is the basis of the identification image. Corporate Identity lays foundation in advertising your company. Corporate identity is not only advertising but also the establishment of trust among customers. Currently, there are very many companies, and stand out among them is very difficult, but corporate identity helps release among a large mass of competitors. Company Extrabrand suited to the creation of corporate identity is very professional.

Depending on the direction of the company, conducts individual approach to the creation of corporate style. For example, documentation style of packaging products ad aways work clothes, etc. The company is engaged in professional development Extrabrand following elements corporate identity: word mark logo, Letterhead Business Card Envelope Symbol Company Brochure Packaging Poster Design and much more corporate-style place in several stages. The first step an analysis of your company, its prospects and current status. The second step is carried out to study the competition in your sector of business. The final stage is a detailed study of all elements and Select the direction of style.


Why Should I Hire A Videographer For The Wedding

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This issue arises in front of many who want to leave a memorable wedding, Christine, vypuskonogo child or just a good spree! There are several "buts": Video operator – not a cheap. There are also Photographer! I did everything to take off his camera. The answer is very simple – videographer – a professional who knows his business! He is memorializing just the right moment, in the right perspective. His shooting will never be oiled or unfocused. Videographer – is the man who in the video separate your feelings of happiness from bytovuhi, which is nikruti, there is always, and by the time you will remember only the good and not something like a drunken guests argue each other or head teacher, who suddenly lit up from nerves in children, not speak about what the movie will cut the whole mat and other uncivilized expression. A true professional in their field will create a film from which one may for a moment off. The whole wedding will fly as many hours a few lovely romantic moments, surrounded by the friends and relatives of people And now the points. The fact that the video – it's expensive – is nonsense! There are, of course, unscrupulous operators who "wring" prices, but decent professionals take only as much as you want.

After all, you end up with no videos from your mobile phone, but a real professional film, which will be filmed at using professional (powerful camera, lights, tripods, etc.). Second: "I am quite the photographer." Here, without comment How to capture "on film" wedding dance or a song your child on the child matinee in the garden? Even the best photographer will give only a moment – a percent of those emotions that can be transmitted through time, filmed the event with a good quality . And in conclusion, "I have my camera-I everything myself on it zasnimu! ". Of course – it's possible, but just imagine: all the guests have fun, relax, tell jokes, and you just stand with the camera on the sidelines. Yes, at first it seems amusing, but I assure you, half an hour you are just bored, want to just join the guests. And on festive video you will only have seating guests in their places and, at best, the first toast. Speaking of toast. Say what you like on holidays taken drinking, and if you're shooting themselves or to entrust it to your friends guests – nothing good will come of it. So just charge a professional! In the end for you as nobody else does your work!


Hanseatic City

Categories: General

Hamburg, the Pearl of the Elbe, is a very interesting, with many cultural and leisure, quiet, relaxing and open city for guests from all over the world. The Hanseatic City offers many different facets, made that you can take advantage of very disparate visitors. For example, the historic old town is full of shopping areas and hotels. Hotels in Hamburg convince its guests for the service and hospitality, regardless of the category of the hotel. Another aspect that should be noted in the city are the typical dishes and culinary specialties of Hamburg, for lovers of fish and potatoes there is a large selection of delicacies, you can taste them both in restaurants near the river and in the restaurants of the hotel. In addition, in the same Hotels you can learn a wide range of activities taking place in the city, such as exhibitions of arta, musicals like the Lion King or boat trips.The District of St. Pauli, is also very popular as it is modern and controversial, famous for his team of football and its lively nightlife. Whatever your reason for travelling to Hamburg, it will not disappointed nor by the city or by the hotels in Hamburg..

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