Silvino, next to the group decided to give to continuity the group. The presentations are made three times for year, normally the invitation of the city hall, in the quarter where Mr. Silvino deferred payment and in 51 BIS (Battalion of Infantry of Forest) in Altamira. It also has invitations of the neighboring cities, such as, Victory of the Xingu, Senator Jose Porfrio and Porto de Moz, all in the State of Par. It had cases where the group if did not present in some cities from fear of walking of boat, only half to arrive in these cities. It had an invitation to participate of the party of the culture in Belm, more had the lack of incentive of the city hall (in 2000 middle the 2004), the fear of the participants, and the lack of company for aged the o invitation cannot be accepted. An event that very marked the history of the group was its presentation of silver weddings, its anniversary of 25 years, that was a refugee in 24 of June 2004.CONCLUSONo presented deposition understands that the studied phenomenon was to the group, being the main factors the aged ones, since, searching something who brings to them pleasure had observed in the dance the chance of this expression and seeing in this attitude the exit for the comodismo.
We perceive that the depositions had pointed the intention with respect to the formation of the group, from a reality that did not present cultural perspectives and of leisure for the classroom of the aged ones in Altamira-Par. It is important to stand out that verbal history made possible in them to see of close the reality, knowing the memory of who participated as Mr. Silvino, and pointing given that they are not written. He is well-known that the dance for the aged ones presents limits, for example, the care with the form to dance that they must be with slow steps and much caution in some movements, therefore as Mr. Silvino said well: ‘ ‘ the time is very ungrateful with people, time that joins in them, moves away in them and envelhece’ ‘ , but that this activity comes generating satisfaction to the aged ones that they make use of its time to practise it. Moreover, it is important to point out that the study it indicated a series of investigativas possibilities in the field of the physical education in Altamira, with the knowledge dances and of possible new surveys of memories, from verbal history, on practical its in this region.