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The Translator And His Task

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The translator distinguishes between language and speech, form and content, code and message. The translator is not a mere Transcriber of linguistic codes for essentials in translation is the message and this, is hidden in the entirety of the expression. Therefore, it is not translating words but ideas. A translation shall be done properly if it is faithful to the original idea, not to the words, which are mere instruments of those. To reach this, the analysis of the text in its entirety is essential. The text divise in dialectical units which are which are articulating the reasoning. Therefore, you must start by having the Vision general or general idea that the original text you want to transmit, and then see how it can go articulating in the form of reasoning through dialectical units. When the reasoning is articulating, goes by establishing a game of ideas in which these are are relating with each other to achieve an aim (the transmission of the general idea).

In this game it is important that predominates the clarity and that is not affected by the insecurity resulting from the difference between cultures and different languages, between the original language and the target language. The idiomatic differences, expressions, and even cultural differences, which also left their mark on the language, should be very aware at the time that the meaning of Fund that the original text you want to communicate is not lost. In short, it is essential to carefully read the initial text to capture the essence of the same, and transcribe language goal clearly and logically, following the reasonings drawn on dialectical units, functional but way enriched with the colors of the target language. If the end result conveys the essence, the soul of the text base with fidelity, clarity and richness, is that the objective has been achieved.


Bill Gates

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You probably thought about what success in life. And why some are making it and others do not? You'll probably say that in most cases, success – it is lucky coincidence. And if we assume that accidents do not happen? What a coincidence – this pattern, we simply can not yet track? Then you may remember that at all different possibilities, about the money, after all, because those who have it initially, much easier to become successful and achieve their goals! I agree! And yet, if you think well, all the great did not begin with money and with no ties! If you examine the history of success, at least some of the greats (John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Bill Gates), it becomes clear that they were not originally a big state, and their relation to important persons were very small! So what, you ask? Where can I get money to feed his family? How do I start to do something that it was not a fiasco of my life? It's easy! Need to know so many things to so many things to test, refine and calculate! As both a work and do what you like it? When all this in time? Yes, it is impossible to catch! It is better to watch TV, drink beer, chat with friends about how bad everything. And, once again making sure that the world is not right to lie down to sleep and sleep forever! And someone in this time will begin to build new successful company, someone will make a startling discovery, which once again will change the world, someone … and you? So you watch television and to store fat for the long winter? Good luck! The secret of how to achieve success is simple and trite. There are four lines, but you're not going to do this, right? Identify a goal that you want dostich.Sdelat something that will bring you to it, at least one step. And make straight seychas.Posmotret that happened and think about how to make luchshe.Vypolnyat complete satisfaction. Good night and pleasant dreams reality!