Tag Archives: energy


Gas Suppliers

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Electricity and gas provider in the direct comparison electricity and gas provider compare since the German gas networks for alternative gas suppliers and gas supply companies were opened in 1998, the number of service providers was limited in this area. Theoretically, any gas supplier may due to this regulation market its services nationwide. Consumers can benefit only correctly by these changes in the market since 2006, since about eight years after the opening of the gas networks for the first time, a significant increase in the number of competing gas suppliers on the German market was noticeable. More and more companies in the national gas supply are working, the consumer prices lower then. Thus, gas consumers can benefit specifically from the rise of competition in this market. Connecticut shines more light on the discussion. After the opening of the gas networks for alternative providers, households can easily do without, if the price is not right on the services of the local gas supplier and switch to cheaper, nationwide operating utilities.

The heating rates the local basic utilities are usually more expensive than the offerings of supra-regional supply companies. For this reason, the non-binding comparison between different gas tariffs can prove very profitable. The heating rates of supra-regional gas suppliers represent not only a cheaper alternative to gas prices of local utilities. With a switch to nationwide providers, the consumer can achieve big savings. With the supra-regional gas suppliers and long contract durations will be spared the excessive fees and usage rates. Due to the increased competition in the field of gas supply, households are no longer bound to the price of the local supply company and can also benefit from numerous bonuses, discounts, and tariff reductions. The change to a nationwide gas provider is very easy and extremely fast. Most utilities offer the change option in their online presence in addition to a comprehensive comparison of tariffs.


Falko Muller

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You date at a specific date in a specific business, to jointly buy. Carrotmob “stands figuratively for a donkey who is enticed and led to a certain target with the carrot. The shops and markets to join are animated according to this principle: for the Carrotmob the business that is ready to employ the highest proportion of revenues for climate protection is usually awarded. Balance sheet: Protecting targeted consumer climate in Germany the first Carrotmob launched in June 2009 in Berlin in the role. Since then, in Germany, there were many car red mobs, as for example in Munich, Bonn, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Cologne and Bremen.

So far, the actions of energy-saving measures have initiated will prevent in the future more than 100 tonnes of CO2 per year. In addition, the visitors are motivated by their targeted shopping, to remain active and to save energy in your own four walls. Save energy at home help the interactive energy saving Advisor. About the co2online non-profit limited company the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, science, policy and management, she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection”(www.klima-sucht-schutz.de) and motivated with various creative actions to active climate protection: in addition to the nationwide support of car red mobs the campaign has shot the first climate-friendly video of the world in Berlin carried out the first German Green clubbing night, from classical to rock climate-friendly organized musical events. How to contact with Falko Muller co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstrasse 9 10829 Berlin Tel: 030 / 210 21 86-12 – fax: 030 / 210 21 86-60 E-Mail: falko.mueller(at)klima-sucht-schutz.de co2online – Klima.sucht.Schutz


Federal Environment Ministry

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At the end of which brings more often.” And Florian Henle added: the Germans, it is important that the actions are easily achievable and restrict not the own life style. “Switching to green electricity is done, for example, in just a few minutes and has a lasting influence on environment and climate listen whether while working at the computer, with the music or the cooking.” This confirms also the study of the Federal Environment Ministry “Environmental awareness in Germany in 2012”. Although the main tasks include our time climate and environmental protection for the great majority of Germans, they do with energy-saving measures increasingly difficult. 2010 83 Percent of the respondents shut down unneeded equipment, 2012 only 74 percent still did. Also, the percentage of buyers of energy-efficient appliances fell from 65 percent to 52 percent.

However, increased the proportion of green electricity customers by 8 percent in 2010 to 20 per cent in 2012. Polaris green electricity: once selected, has twice the CO2 increase in the atmosphere prevents ultimately only worldwide, therein are Climate experts agree. Especially the increasing industrialization and the improved living conditions in the developing countries and emerging economies increasingly heat up the atmosphere. Therefore, independent green energy company Polaris as first supplier in Germany for each customer promotes the global energy transition. In addition to the construction of new eco power plants in this country helps in building their own micro biogas plant Polarstern for each customer each year of a family in a developing country such as Cambodia. Thats an important impetus to advance the energy transition spot”, says Florian Henle. The system provides sufficient energy companies with the manure of cattle two or four pigs to operate a gas stove and a gas lamp. In addition, the residue of biogas production are used as fertiliser for the fields. Family Rin, one of the families supported by Polaris, tells that she increased their vegetables so in this way, so that its investment in the plant will have paid off in two years.


Oil Demand

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When it comes to fuel most think of cold and snowy winter days. And so it is not surprising that most homeowners make up for the period September to March to their heating oil inventories. But even in the summer is fueled hard. In particular, the so-called collective customer come together in this time when the warm season is enough room for the organization of the community order. This is just very time consuming, as there is a huge need for coordination.

first needs to be placed on the experience at all who wants to participate in a heating oil or can order. Then, each participant should of course know how much heating oil tank found in his place. The most difficult, however, comes at the end: When the time is right to order? Particularly in the past two years, usually lengthy decision making has cost the other or a lot of money. Here, the price rose steadily, especially in the summer months and who has failed already to be in May or even April agreed that the most awaited Given the steady rise in prices with the hope that the quotations but could soon give way again. But this was not the case and it was not a few oil-bulk orders just ordered for the annual high.

we then consider the possible savings of individuals, which is usually 0.5 to 2 percent, so many will make about the usefulness of these actions thoughts. The heating oil prices are constantly changing and it is useful to monitor the oil market permanently. The Internet offers a variety of heating oil this machine simple and convenient ways. With luck and skill, then the individual customer can be significantly cheaper than fuel oil ordered the community, not infrequently where the organizer is closely related to a specific fuel oil dealer.