No government of States of the Amaznia, including the Legal Amaznia, had representatives in that collegiate still temporary one. The Amaznia, the biggest tropical forest of the World and counting on seven States (Acre, Amazon, Amap, Par, Rondnia, Roraima and Tocantins), beyond part of the States of the Maranho and Mato Grosso, that in administrative terms constitute the Legal Amaznia, was not contemplated no representative! It is of if asking: how people of other Brazilian regions, being unaware of the problems of the Amazon region, could consider a directed model of ambient education to the region? As people of other regions, being unaware of its bioma, its demography, its geography, its climate, its customs, at last, its ecology, could trace a directed model of ambient education to the amaznidas ones? How they could delineate a model of education for the aboriginal populations? How can a sulista or sertanejo present solutions for amaznida messenger? In 25.04.2003, through RESOLUTION CONAMA N 327, the CTED got the permanent character, establishing the respective resolution its purpose: ' ' I – to consider pointers of performance and evaluation of the decurrent actions of ambient education of the politics, programs and projects of government; II – to consider lines of direction for elaboration and implementation of the politics and state programs of ambient education; III – to assist the too much Chambers Techniques, in what it refers to the ambient education; IV to consider action of ambient education in the politics of conservation of biodiversity, ambient zoning, licensing and revision of activities potentially polluting effective or, of management of residues, coastal management, management of hdricos resources, order of resources fishing boats, sustainable handling of environmental resources, ecoturismo and improvement of quality ambiental' '. established the following composition of representatives of agencies and entities: I – Federal government: ) Ministry of the Education; II – State governments: ) of the Paran; b) of the Espirito Santo; III – Municipal governments: ) Cities of the South Region; IV – Enterprise sector: ) National confederation of Commerce; V – Entities of the Civil Society: ) Ambientalistas entities of the South Region: 1 – Center of Ambient Studies – Been of the Rio Grande Do Sul; b) Ambientalistas entities of the Region Center-West: 1 – Ecology and Action – Been of the Mato Grosso of the South. .
Region Center
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