However, the sistmica arterial hipertenso is one of more important factors of risk for cardiovascular illnesses increasing the index of death for WENT (BRAZIL, 2006). It has you evidence of that certain styles of life, such as rich diet in saturated fat and calrica, little physical activity and tobaccoism, play important function in the development of the arteriosclertica illness, especially the coronariana, in the great majority of the population. In many individuals this style of life takes to the adverse changes in the characteristic physiological biochemists and of the organism, contributing for arteriosclerose and cardiac complications (STEFANINI et al, 2004). However, it has of being led in consideration that exists in many individuals an important component genetic in the individual susceptibility for the development of arteriosclerose, even so its nature until the moment is not understood, this genetic susceptibility can intervene with the characteristic physiological biochemists and, speeding up the process of the illness. This genetic component is defined as genetic inheritance or not-modifiable characteristics (ANDREOLI, 2002). In century XX it had a great impulse in the treatment WENT of it with a significant reduction for so low levels as 8% of hospital mortality. However, nor always mortality was low thus, was considered that in to the first THEY WENT it decade was fatal. Such reality alone was to modify with the introduction of the units of intensive therapy in the specialized coronarianas unit and 1960 decade, improving the assistance to the patients with WENT (RATTON, 1999). With the sprouting of the coronarianas units consequently it had technological evolution in urgency hospitals and therapeutical emergency with respect to equipment and projects, translated in the refined hemodinmica monitorizao more, among others. Therefore the centralization of these resources in a unit results in the use most efficient for a trained team that aims at the optimum attendance, in the adjusted time, with efficiency and effectiveness (CINTRA et al, 2003). Add to your understanding with NYC Marathon.
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