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The rescue of Betancourt turned to Uribe in perhaps the most popular President in the world in their respective country. Paradoxically his victory may become his defeat. He could go today to a third term, though that may end up wearing it to Fujimori. Ingrid, for its part, has shown that he has his own game. Polls lay it like who, then yours, could win a new presidential election. Andrew darlow has much experience in this field. She blesses Uribe, accepted to go for re-election and that he ventured into Ecuador.

He also questions by being isolated in the region and by hard and ultra-right. It is defined as a democratic and Green Left who believes that violence is born by the injusticas (and not vice versa as she blamed) to Uribe. It recognizes the role of Chavez to mediate with the FARC and disarm them. If Bush wants to have the rise of Uribe friends help you to win elections in his country and in the region, the rise of Betancourt will want to be used by the Bolivarian or social democratic left to do that Colombia does not follow outside of the tide pink sudamericana.


Wayne Rooney

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Rooney’s 21 years of age had the team concerned and dismayed that if he was going to be able to play in the next match of the Champions League given to the case that he is one of the key players although he has not scored any goal since his debut while playing against Fenerbahce in September 2004. Manchester United also lacks other players stars due to injury as it is the case of Gunnar Solskjaer who must recover from knee surgery for a period of three weeks and Alan Smith is reconvaleciente then break his leg on two different sides last season. On the other hand, Henrik Larsson returned to Sweden. With the above-mentioned players absent, the team could not lose to Rooney but fortunately there was no major damage in his knee and team can now count on number eight player on the Court..


Global Nature

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Be timed for our planet. Global warming is reaching limits of no return. Experts warn that if the Earth’s temperature continues to rise there will be important consequences: thousands of species disappear, the sea level will rise and flood coastal areas and millions of people will suffer from the shortage of water and food. A future that we can still change. For more information see this site: shimmie horn. It is in our hands. Emissions of greenhouse gases will have to touch ceiling in the year 2020, according to climatologist W.L. Hare, and gradually reduce gradually until by the year 2050 we come to take the levels of the 1990s.

Since the 18th century, beginning of the industrial revolution, land has increased by almost a degree temperature. And it will be unavoidable, according to the latest report of the WorldWatchInstitute on the situation of the world 2009, that the temperature increase by one or two tenths in spite of our efforts to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. Scientists believe that the effects of CO2 even they have not impacted totally on temperature. And if the trend does not change in the coming years, the report warns that the global temperature will be 4 or 6 degrees above the current at the end of the 21st century. Shimmie horn spoke with conviction. The thaw is the most visible consequence of the increase in global temperature. Projections announce that you by the end of the century, the Arctic summer ice will be almost disappeared.

Which will cause a change in the global climate since the poles and the permafrost are fundamental for the balance of climate, temperature, and ecosystems. In addition, coastal areas will disappear. Cities like New York or Tokyo, countries such as Belgium, Islands will be buried by water. And while flooding will occur, the flows of rivers decreases and the water will become a scarce commodity for millions of people. Water will continue to food shortages and conflicts, armed or not, by a few resources scarce, but essential for life factories and industry are not only responsible for the sending of CO2 to the atmosphere.


Los Woman Writer

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It is not elegant to despise the woman writer Ignacio Ortega writer I’ve heard late article that a columnist Almeria has dedicated to Carmen de Burgos. Although late, however, I do not refuse to India because it is still important to not miss in a very lively debate surrounding the figure of Colombine, revitalizing of Spanish journalism. In my move to Brazil I’ve lost documents and books with more sentimental value than Exchange value. However, not have been able to let go of exemplary biography who wrote Carmen de Burgos de Larra, now that the literary world celebrates its bicentennial, which brings unknown and valuable data for the understanding of the life of the great Spanish writer, but also of the literary value of our countrywoman. She, fighter for the regeneration of our country tried, through art journalism, closer to the European bourgeoisie, rather than some journalist of our province has not had time to internalize as vital need to exit the irresponsible provincialism; or simply understand what was the contribution he made to the society of his time and changes arising from their actions and writings in two areas of teaching that I understand cannot be dissociated: public and private.

Ridicule to a writer of Spanish journalism contemporary as Carmen de Burgos is on par, ridicule teachers of journalism and prose writers exceptional, to name a few, as Joan Maragall, Eugenio D Ors, Julio Camba, Ruano Gonzalez or Vazquez Montalban, without forgetting some writers and journalists today as Manuel Vicent, Rosa Montero, Javier Marias, Perez-Reverte, Munoz Molina, Almudena Grandes, Candide, Raul de el PozoAntonio Burgos, Maruja Torres and Felix de Azua. Now that they infiltrate technologies media of all that virtual journalism that gives cramp, there are columnists who take refuge at the opposite end, agaritados in his column tabuco, telling their truths, in search of the reader, rather than any other truth. This racking forgets that the newspaper of every day is a catastrophe of information, an orderly disorder of today and that, against such dizzying pluralities, some readers take refuge in the shelter from the Sun in a column without knowing if they will be wounded, informed or respected in their beliefs and values. And this has been the case with the article in question that has left me the sadness of as if all books and newspapers had been burned. It is not fair to forget that the literary, social and pedagogical work of Carmen de Burgos should not be object of indifference but deserves, farther from their own land, enjoy better luck who was a legitimist continuation of journalistic Mannerism, heiress of Larra. Even if it were women.


Rodriguez Literary

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The title of city of literature which gives Unesco is at stake. The Ayuntamiento de Leon opts to it and has created a web page still in embryo as an incentive to this commitment. Leaving aside the cliche that the old Kingdom is a land of natural grass of writers, artists and poets, as well as the evident reality there are literary geniuses globally recognized by those tough payments this year occurred a wheel drawbacks and unfortunate developments concerning the evolution in the local culture, when less, clouding the candidacy. The hurdle without even filing or repair was the Intifada Poetics, peaceful, literary and exemplary that resulted, in the bosom municipal de Leon, a persecution of poets by the same rulers today advocate to Unesco protected cultural and literary environment of the city. Go my support to this desire, but representing the feeling of different collective, do not glimpse its inherent nobility. We are convinced that today the Leon residents can lead with full authority moral an initiative as significant as this. A group of poets and representatives of collective social were evicted and censored when they made the first Intifada Poetics in that so fierce, as the paint, and cold city of Leon for breach of the electoral program with which the Socialist Mayor, Francisco Fernandez, was elected.

Undertook to associations and unions of their locality, who said that he would respect the governance of water. To betray his own promise prompted the resignation of its councilor of environment, humility Rodriguez. From that moment, complaints poetic, committed various swordsmen of the local letters poetry was persecuted. Poets exproprations and gagged. The police usually fear and goes with good modes against the seasoned, aggressive and dangerous offender that nothing has to lose, but cargo, loaded in Leon by Decree, against the creative and exemplary citizen who disagrees.


New York

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1. After the plane ticket, increased spending on any trip to New York is the stay. Although the rates in hotels are more economic to that at the peak of the market in 2008, rate average for a hotel in the city is $150 $200 per night per room for two persons with private bathroom. Two options that give you the opportunity to save on your stay so pages Web of Homeaway and Airbnb, where city residents rented rooms or apartments for days or weeks in different neighborhoods. For added safety and convenience, read comments from other users who have stayed in place to verify whether it is convenient to transportation and if the accommodation is as described. The price of rents vary depending on the level of privacy and the location of the accommodation. 2.

Some museums in New York, such as the Metropolitan Museum and the Museum of Natural history, have suggested admission fees. If you want to pay less money can do so in boletaria Museum (not possible to buy tickets on the web page by fewer of) money that the suggested rate). The Museum of modern art has hours of admission free Friday from 4 to 8 in the evening, and the Whitney Museum allows visitors to pay what you wish on Fridays from 6 to 9 PM. 3. If you want to see some work or Broadway musical, in Times Square and at the South Street Seaport TKTS kiosks sell tickets at discount prices for various works and musical day function. He is recommended to view the start of ticket sales hours, since the service is very popular and tickets available are limited. 4. Evaluate the cost of the different cards Metrocard for transport public according to the number of days that will remain in the city. If you travel in group, please note that unlimited travel by day or week card is only valid for one person and does not work for about ten minutes each time that it is used.


Field Marketing

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This communication is face to face fundamental to reach with your message and involving the public in your fight. Field Marketing is our great ally at short distances. Antonio Gonzalez, Medical Director of the is world alternative, tool capable of eliminating the advantage that, until today, had large companies when communicating their products. Now, any company, regardless of its economic potential, can access this extraordinary instrument that enables interactivity, creativity and personal communication actions, direct and able to promote the necessary complicity between all product/brand with your target audience. That is why salute with joy this new formula: imagination + proximity = guaranteed success. Gerardo Gonzalez Otero, CEO of G2O PUBLISPORT Field Marketing has made products that promotes be perceived otherwise, humanizing them and associating them to activities that potential customers perceive as their own. This makes products that are everyday in our lives, to come to our minds by experience or a way of living.

So brands individualized become something else and when you enjoy them you think that estashaciendo something more than simply consume it. The marketing field is a living tool that allows to develop the humanization of the brands projecting new routes so that products are perceived in a different way. Charles Juste, responsible for Channel Retail Territorial Center Vodafone Spain under my point of view, the Field Marketing is one of the branches of Marketing that more insured must have its continuity, since it is what allows the interaction with the user, through the human element.What that human element is so fundamental, could be a double-edged weapon, since you leave your image, your brand, and all the values that it fall into a person. Therefore, to get the field campaign to succeed, it is essential that person that it develops, this: motivated, know in depth the framework of game moves (positioning, strengths, competition, etc), and have a refined left hand to know out of compromising situations. If so, the success of the action will be secured. Antonio Khalaf, Marketing Manager for Yell field marketing allows us to access the client through the emotions.Thanks to the loyal marketing we can interact with the customer and make totally different to traditional marketing campaigns. Oscar Soriano, Director General Tiberauto our society lives immersed within the so-called attention economy and therefore the physical contact, the sense of belonging with the branding and customization of information received by the customer, key concepts within the field current marketing becomes increasingly more effective.


National Council Security

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When the Party of Justice and Development Party (AKP) won victory in the 2002 Turkish general election, President Bush did not hesitate to send a disconcerting message to its European allies: the winners of the elections are moderate Islamists. It should accelerate the entry of Turkey into the European Union. Strange recommendation, because it had just begun the war against Islamist terrorism, interpreted by many Americans as a struggle between the West and Islam. To many politicians of the old continent, the suggestion of Bush supposed interference in the hesitant foreign policy of the Union. For nearly four decades, the Ottoman statesmen pledged to subsume his country geostrategic interests the politico-ideologicos objectives of the great American ally.

The apparent symbiosis between Washington and Ankara contrasted with the reluctance of some European members of NATO, more likely to resort to diplomacy in dealings with Moscow and its allies in the so-called Socialist camp. The missiles deployed in Germany, Turkey or England not precipitated the fall of the Berlin wall. Russia and its allies were unable to build an economic system capable of confronting the opulence of the West. The owners of the Kremlin had to surrender by the ineffectiveness of its socio-economic system. A model of society that drew attention, in the twenties of the last century, the father of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk Mustafa. In the structures of the Turkish State Leninist revolution found some similarities with the patterns.

However, Ataturk did not emulate the Soviet model, considering it too rigid and little consistent with the objective of the young Turks: build a modern country of Western Court. However, the peculiarities of Turkey, former imperial power who lost their possessions Balkan, North African and Asian in less than a century, forcing establishing unusual State structures in the West. The National Council Security (CNS), body control and surveillance of secularism, integrated mostly by high ranking military, has been criticized by the statesmen of the old continent, unwilling to accept the participation of the military establishment in the political life of the country.


Yerba Buena Center

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Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-overcome test of cancer that distanced itself from Apple, Steve Jobs launches the iPad, a tablet PC which will revolutionize the publishing industry to 27 years in the month of January 1984 when it unveiled to the world the Macintosh. For the nostalgic who miss the walkers of mechanical typewriters in the newsrooms and journalists went to the computers in the mid-1980s, now write on the touch screen of 9.7 inches. With the Mac Os X operating system, the new invention of Apple amazes us and opens the doors of the immediate future in this new decade where nanotechnology will be the path to follow. The revolution of the e-book and digital newspapers started it Amazon with the Kindle, a portable monochrome that looks more gray against the imposing invention of Apple. With only a touch in a bookcase, appear several books available to the user who also by simply touching the image, this will move to the front and opens from the first page. The same goes for newspapers. The New York Times is the first of the large Rotary that is available in this new format for the iPad which will revolutionize, but rather that to disappear to the Laptop.

In main menu, also by simply touching the right side screen, select a digital keyboard that appears if the table is horizontally and can immediately write about digital keyboard without any problems. It has wifi connection and can send and receive mail, photos, videos and data. What is most striking, for a product of this nature is the price that goes from from $499 to $999 in United States depending on the memory capacity that comes in 16, 32 and 64 megs. Without with iPhone I stated that Steve Jobs not revolutionized the mobile phone, but it got the computer to the phone, with this new product just did a big iPhone, as said my son the minor. The new product strategy seems aimed to disappear the iPod, this invention has been the salvation of Apple and has saturated envelope to the market. Clear that continue to exist like the iPod touch, but will be a change of course on where will be not only music but a genuine rival to most famous portable consoles like the PSP Go’s face and recent appearance on the market. The most relevant to fans of the creative genius of Jobs, is now CEO of Apple who returned to the company in 2001 with the iMac, is that it is much better health. The presence of Jobs at the Yerba Buena Center in California is that there are Jobs to rato and the next year, in January, we will make the annual question: again, what Jobs?.


The Future

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Suppose that a year has already passed. The final price of the car is 11.119. You are obliged to sell each of those 100 cars to 10.518 euros, while those same cars cost 11.119 euros in the market. That is, you are required to sell automobiles 601 euros cheaper than the actual price of each car. Every euro that the final price of the car you, is above the contract’s future (10.518) as the seller of the contract for the future, it will have a loss of one euro.

When not will we neither losses nor gains? As in the case of a contract of future purchased, if the final price of the car is of 10.518 euros will not be neither losses nor gains, since you are obliged to sell the car at the same price that is on the market. Graphically, the result is shown in chart 2.3. Once we have bought or sold a contract for the future, for example to a year, you have to wait until the contract finishes to materialize our loss or gain, or you can undo the position before it reaches the expiration date, that is, until you pass a year?. Suppose that you have bought a contract of future on car at a price of 10.518 euros, i.e., you have the obligation of, after a year, buying a car to 10.518 euros. Suppose also that six months have already elapsed and the price of the car on the market is 10.818 euros and with quite a few possibilities for follow up. A good day, you know a second customer also interested in buying those 100 cars. Before the climb which has seen the price of automobiles, you arrive at an agreement with this second client, by which you agree to sell those 100 cars at a price of 11.119 euros within six months (time remaining to complete the year).

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