Tag Archives: psychology


Abraham Maslow

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ABRAHAM MASLOW History of Maslow Life was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1 of April of 1908. All its diplomas had been obtained in the University of Winscosin, where it made research on the behavior of the primates. Per 14 years, it worked in the college of the Brooklyn College. In 1951, Maslow was for the University of Brandeis, where it even remained of 1969, when resident became fellpw of the Laughlin Foundation in Mentlo Park, California. Maslow suffered a fatal cardiac attack in 8 from June of 1970.

After its death, some books on its life and workmanship had appeared. To read more click here: Gerald Stratford. Maslow was used inquiries of healthy and creative people to arrive the certain formularizations on the personality. Assumptions on the nature Maslow human being &#039 censured psychology for its; ' pessimistic, negative conception and limitada' ' of the human being. According to it, psychology is lingered more in the fragilities of what in the forces human beings, it explored the sins more minutely while neglects the virtues. Psychology desesperadamente turns the life in terms an individual trying to prevent pain in time to act actively to get pleasure and happiness. Psychology ' ' it was restricted voluntarily only to the half of its legitimate jurisdiction, and to the worse half, the half more sombria' '.

Maslow tried to supply to another half of the picture, the more favorable half best and, and to offer a picture of the complete person. Conception of the psychiatrically healthy man. In first place, and more important of everything, is solid belief of that the man has a proper essential nature, skeleton of structure psychological that can be dealt with and be argued analogous with its physical structure, of that it has necessities, capacities and trends genetically based, some which is characteristic of all the species human being, crossing all the cultural lines, and some of which are exclusive of the individual.


International Labour Office

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The moral siege is a problem of public health and its cost is very raised under the economic-financial point of view, for the society and also it possesss a human cost. The cost of the siege is supported by the responsible one, the society and the people who of it participate direct (victim, witnesses) or indirectly (familiar and friends). Economic-financial Under the point of view economic its cost is raised because it makes with that carried through works are wasted, the mark of products and services are affected, the harmed productivity either, occur the degradation of the work environment, the enterprise either reached name, occur the suspension of the employment contract, etc. still did not see no statistics in Brazil, more in the United States the total cost for the employers for acts practised in the work environment were esteem in more than 4 billion dollar and the expenditures for the treatment of the depression arrive the 44 billion dollar according to BIT – International Labour Office, on ONU (international Bureau du travail). In the Europe the cost is esteem in 20 billion dollar. Certainly that this cost also is raised in Brazil. Under the financial point of view the responsible one for the moral siege will be able for a reason or purpose to pay to a very high value indemnity for the moral and material damages that the assediado one to suffer.

The values of indemnity have varied very, find convictions that go of R$ 10,000, 00 (ten a thousand Reals) R$ 2.000.000, 00 (two Real million), these values are fixed in agreement the agreement of each judge, therefore they are so changeable. The economic-financial cost is very high, therefore, it seems that no controller wants cautious it to pay, for this, is necessary that the siege is prevented before being treated. Social b the problem does not only affect the work, but the society that finishes contributing with the public expenses for the treatment them problems of health caused by the siege, over all with the depression problems.