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New York Times

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Everything that lives do not live alone or not by itself same William Blake we propose in this series of three articles provide information that can not be ignored, for all who live on this planet Earth. Information stating facts difficult to stop by unnoticed, and determine all those things that can happen, made the same man the creas. You have selected these notes, which deserves to be considered and invite the reader to take into account everything that this can generate, an impact on our traffic for this dimension, where everything is possible. We note that to transcribe them we are not original, however, we have taken the time, interest in seeking the most significant aspects have been given in recent years and which deserve to be considered, evaluated everything that manifests while it has life. Thank you for all information on those events that are considered relevant, they involve to be taken into account, incentive motivation, that helps us to be better, learned of topics that do not know that geeks have been accessible in our environment but which are important to know.

The U.S. Army in 1991, launched during the known Gulf war, more than 500 bombs of they napan on regiments rained and hundreds of soldiers from that country were consumed after this incendiary and harmful action. This chemical substance that is not easy to extinguish or with dirt or water, burning incessantly while their victims are consumed so atrociously arriving affect the will of resistance of the survivors. After the war in the Gulf in Iraq, since 1992, hospitals have detected an alarming increase of cancer and childhood leukemia, as well as other serious pathologies among the rest of the civilian population, as well as the irreversible condition to the generation of respite. The well-known New York Times, revealed that in 1968 aircraft type C-123 Provider of the FF.AA American, expelled herbicides over extensive territories of Viet Nam.


Ramblero City

Categories: General, Tags: , , , ,

The city of Alicante already breathed your smell of Carnival. As every year, Alicante is preparing for one of their parties with greater tradition and involvement for decades. Alicante Carnival is one of the most attractive Carnival on the national scene. This Carnival is mainly characterized by being one of the most multitudinous, free and participatory. Anyone can participate, is not necessary to belong to any association or pay any fees. It is not a commercialized Carnival since sponsorship by commercial firms is not supported.

In short, is the original Carnival, created by citizens and for citizens. Original elements of the urban Archaeologies Alicante carnaval: are ephemeral costumes of different areas of the city, initially with vindictive character. In some places this known as Urbanasarqueologias school interventions: transformation Carnival of colleges and institutes.Carnival banners: ephemeral paintings on canvas are located in streets.Autos de Carnaval: satires represented Friday of Carnival groups and penalties carnavaleras in different spaces.Grease (Dijous Gras) on Thursday. Preheating of the ritual under fire, grease and wine home.Saturday Ramblero: the Rambla in Alicante, avenida par excellence of the city, transforms into a huge Carnival mascaras.martes dance. Summary judgment to Carnestoltes by the authorities and procession with percussion and fire through the narrow streets of the old town (Jui den Carnestoltes i bubbler processo).Burial of the sardine. Ash Wednesday. The different brotherhoods and brotherhoods penitential carnavaleras form the courtship of the beautiful fish in the old town until their incineration.Domingo de Pinata: morning child celebration.Veteran’s dance: directed to older.

Travel to Alicante at carnivals Victoria Rent a Car is a renowned company within the sector of exploitation of rental cars at airports and thus confirms through its service in Alicante or at other major airports as the service of rental cars in Madrid or Barcelona rental cars So to enjoy the carnivals and move freely through the city, nothing better than reserving a rental car. If you are traveling by plane from another Spanish city, best thing is to leave your car in a parking garage at the airport service. In this way, on the way back, the only thing you need to do is pick up the car and continue, without relying on taxis, or relatives, etc. On 16 December victory opened a new valet service parking in Barcelona, with the object of giving area travelers will take a plane, a service is clear, cheaper than the airport itself. Victoria also has this parking service at the airport of Alicante and Valencia.