Tag Archives: society and culture


Senator Jose Porfrio

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Silvino, next to the group decided to give to continuity the group. The presentations are made three times for year, normally the invitation of the city hall, in the quarter where Mr. Silvino deferred payment and in 51 BIS (Battalion of Infantry of Forest) in Altamira. It also has invitations of the neighboring cities, such as, Victory of the Xingu, Senator Jose Porfrio and Porto de Moz, all in the State of Par. It had cases where the group if did not present in some cities from fear of walking of boat, only half to arrive in these cities. It had an invitation to participate of the party of the culture in Belm, more had the lack of incentive of the city hall (in 2000 middle the 2004), the fear of the participants, and the lack of company for aged the o invitation cannot be accepted. An event that very marked the history of the group was its presentation of silver weddings, its anniversary of 25 years, that was a refugee in 24 of June 2004.CONCLUSONo presented deposition understands that the studied phenomenon was to the group, being the main factors the aged ones, since, searching something who brings to them pleasure had observed in the dance the chance of this expression and seeing in this attitude the exit for the comodismo.

We perceive that the depositions had pointed the intention with respect to the formation of the group, from a reality that did not present cultural perspectives and of leisure for the classroom of the aged ones in Altamira-Par. It is important to stand out that verbal history made possible in them to see of close the reality, knowing the memory of who participated as Mr. Silvino, and pointing given that they are not written. He is well-known that the dance for the aged ones presents limits, for example, the care with the form to dance that they must be with slow steps and much caution in some movements, therefore as Mr. Silvino said well: ‘ ‘ the time is very ungrateful with people, time that joins in them, moves away in them and envelhece’ ‘ , but that this activity comes generating satisfaction to the aged ones that they make use of its time to practise it. Moreover, it is important to point out that the study it indicated a series of investigativas possibilities in the field of the physical education in Altamira, with the knowledge dances and of possible new surveys of memories, from verbal history, on practical its in this region.



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Therefore, we invite you it in them to follow in this reflection covering with us the ways that we search to tread trying to find that one that, in them approached more, of what it could answer to our investigations. Who knows its way would not be this? But, certainly it would have the same objective; that is, to search ways that could contribute so that, the affirmation of the rights of the children and adolescents is interpreted in significant way for specific professionals. 1. THE CHILD AND ADOLESCENT 1.1. DESCRIPTION AND CONCEPT OF INFANCY AND ADOLESCENCE the history of infancy possesss a chronological dynamics throughout the times. Leaving of the Average Age, a study carried through for ries (cited for SOBREIRA, 2008), sample that at this time did not have place for infancy. Since very early the child already he was part of the world of the adult, therefore to the seven years of age, the boy was delivers to the man to be educated, learned to mount horses, to shoot and to use the arc and the arrow, also, war tactics. The instruction of the girls was in charge of the mothers, which were created to marry, to have children.

Following the studies of Sobreira (2008), still in the end of the Average Age, children and adults if they mixed in the daily life in meetings of works, strolls, that is, the children participated of the same games and tricks of the adults. Since early, the children learned the professions and worked in workshops. In this period also family notion was not had; the familiar organization is one construto historical and social, constituted gradual through rules established until arriving the monogamous organization. The nuclear family appears with the ascension of bourgeoisie. As Lorenzi (2007), the economically devoid populations were deliver to the cares of the Church Catholic through some institutions, between them the Saints Houses of Mercy.



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Day of the Boyfriends or Day of Is Valentim, as well as is known in some countries, is a date that homages the loving relations (generally namoro), having exchange of gifts between the partners. It has diverse contradictory histories regarding the life of Valentim, one of them is that in Rome, century III existed a priest with this name that fought against the imposition of emperor Claude II, that it forbade the soldiers of if they had married for alleging that thus its income would be better in the wars. Exactly with such prohibition, the priest private continued celebrating marriages. As he did not resign to the Christianity, he was led to the death. In the arrest, the priest knows the son blind of a jailer and if he gets passionate for this, returning to it vision to it.

The girl receives a message from farewell of Valentim before dying, that she was signed as ' ' Its Namorado' '. The date of its death, 14 of February, precedes the eve of the parties in homage Juno (goddess of the woman and the marriage) and Par (god of the nature), where it had a ritual for the conquest of fertility where sarcedotes beat in the women with gold leather straps so that these were fertile. They also say that in century XVII England and France had started to celebrate the date of the priest with the union of the Day of the Boyfriends. Moreover, another speculation is that date 14 of February would be in the Average Age the first day of acasalamento of the birds, making with that many left messages of love in the doors-sill of the loved doors of its in this date. In Brazil, date 12 of June as Day of the Boyfriends is commemorated since 1949, when the advertising executive Dria Joo brought the idea of the other countries. June was chosen by being one month with low sales, beyond preceding the commemoration of the day of Saint Antonio, saint of the marriage. In the United States the day is commemorated in 14 of February and it is not focada only in the relation of love between boyfriends, since cards are sent for diverse people, until members of the family.

The Day of the Boyfriends is characterized by the exchange of loving messages, being that from century XIX, the written by hand messages had passed to be substituted by the cards. Moreover, it has a estimate of about a billion of cards being sent for the date annually. If you to want to presentear the loved person in a very interesting way and without spending money, you you can enter in the site MoldurasdeFoto.Me and presentear it with a gorgeous photo with frame. He is alone to choose the frame and the ready image and! He does not leave to confer the beautiful frames for photos of day of the boyfriends. You have a beautiful souvenir to surprise to who you you love!


Critical Analysis

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The planning in the New State (1930 the 1945): a critical analysis of this period Summary: This text carries through a critical analysis of the planning in the Government Vargas during the New State (1930-45), time of deep transformations in Brazil. For in such a way she is necessary to make the due apprehension of the social, economic context, cultural politician and of this period. In this direction, it fits to stand out that this work does not aim at to deplete the consideraes regarding the subject, but is considered to trace elucidative consideraes, allowing to unmask the marcantes peculiarities in the formatting of the planning, being understood its intrinsic connection with the concepts of State and development, histo richly situated and ideologically guided. 1.Contexto historical the revolution of 1930 that it marks the destruction of the Brazilian oligarchical regimen, as well as the decay of the dominant agrarian elite of the country, makes to emerge a new hegemonic classroom: the urban bourgeoisie. This process has origin in the increasing industrialization, that delayed it arrives at Brazil, folloied of the fall in the taxes of sales of the coffee, until then our main product for exportation. The world passed for the consequncias of the fall of the stock exchange of New York, whose joined solution was the adoption of the Keynsian standard of social regulation, notadamente marked for the defense of the state intervention in the gasping economy, with sights to create the full job, to foment the consumption and thus to put into motion the market. This trend followed different vieses in the diverse countries. In the Brazilian case interventionism was brought obtains the tenebrous ballast of our culture politics, characterized for ' ' ismos' ': coronelismo, mandonismo, patriarcalismo, authoritarianism, clientelismo, labourism, Populism between outros.1 Agreeing these endogenous factors and we exgemos, the result was the characterized miscegenation of trends in the country, always harmonious a convivncia nor between new and old, or better nor the so new nor so old one.


Iluminista Revolution

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As a flower, if you to attack uninterruptedly it will survive as hurts and wounds or will die, of the plants that have thorns, you have already them for precaution you are for not being apanhada or being mistreated. All we have thorns, similar of that let us not leave that they make with us what they want, are anger or behavior thorns. As history already taught in them, with example the Iluminista Revolution, to give weapons at the hands of who suffered and without preparation none (psychological) is to set a civil war against that they are against. To swim against the rapids has not the same appreciated flow that to follow with it, but we are speaking of a full way of rocks twigs, grammatical speaking. The illicit traffic of drugs, today problem world-wide partner, rendering unhappy families and lives, does not kill more than what the fight for this currency today that it generates Billions of dollar. The amount of people who die for the use of drugs is very lesser of what the people who die for the traffic.

Liberating the sales of these drugs the easiness of if finding would be more easy, thus falling the price and increasing the consumption, obvious! But nothing as one it has adjusted in the price, collection of taxes, that is, sales regularized for the government stipulating efficient laboratories for the production. A new chain of jobs would generate this production, and the money expense with the combat of the narcotics traffickers would fall the zero. Estariamos taking off the substance cousin who finances terrorist groups that dominate our country. At the same time that the invested money to fight the traffic, either invested for whitewashing of users, with efficient centers and efficient remedies for ' ' limpar' ' the respective ones. To invest in more efficient propagandas, lectures thus to prevent that people enter in this world that regride the capacity to only evolve. The necessary society to be joined, to help who needs, to prevent that it happens and to recoup high the esteem of all and not to continue propagating an advertising of fierce dogs against people who only know this world.

Nor always the communication lack happens because a behavior standard was broken, but because the times the standards do not cover all the possible situations. ' ' The great quality of the species human being was to breach with its proper limitations: A fragile animal, provided with insignificant physical force, dominated all the nature and if it transformed into most frightful of the predators. Without wing it dominated airs; without proper gills or membranes it dominated the seas. Everything this because it differs from the other animals for being the only one that it possesss culture. But that it is culture? ' '


Barjas Negri City

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' Article sent to the Periodical of Piracicaba, which had I accumulate to it of garbage in the city. The reason? Transistions of the rendering companies for the service. Paid who as always we citizens ' ' ' ' I appeal on behalf of the Piracicabanos citizens ' ' Lixos, confusions Rays and dear Prezado Thunders mayor Barjas Negri, I come by means of this, to request encarecidamente that the garbage collection of this city is given to the had attention. I am resident of the Castelinho quarter, street Haldumont de Campoz Ferraz, and the odor of the garbage of the front of my residence and of excessively starts to penetrate the walls and to adentrar the houses. The same situation covers other streets and other quarters, unhappyly. My concern and I believe that of the too much citizens, is not only with the strong odor, but also with insects and parasites that are attracted by the garbage. Our lives cannot be the grace of one misunderstanding enter the transistions of the rendering companies of services. Our children cannot nor play in the sidewalk, therefore the garbage it is there, and it goes to even remain until this chaotic situation has end, because we do not have as ' ' estocar' ' the discarded residues inside of house.

As my elect one, I know it comes that you carrying through an excellent work in our city, we do not go to leave these events to spot a mandate that comes if showing efficient. I know that at this moment the dear one cannot make the alone work all, we need contributions and mutual efforts. My shout of I appeal it has the force and the fury of a THUNDER, and asks for solutions that can come in the speed and rapidity of a RAY. Debtor for the attention. Maicon Moso – Vocalista and letrista (Band Tribe Rock) Orkut/Facebook:


Latin American Association

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The alterations in the pulmonary system can occur of varied forms, a common type very of alteration caused for illness are related to the pulmonary illness obstrutiva chronicle (DPOC). According to Latin American Association of Thorax (2006, P. 8), ' ' The Pulmonary Illness Chronic Obstrutiva (DPOC) comes presenting, world-wide, a significant increase in prevalence and mortalidade' '. On the basis of this data would be important to focar attention the patologias related to the pulmonary system of the aged ones that they participate of programs of physical exercises, and to analyze in fact what it can be used to diminish the prevalence and the mortality caused for (DPOC). You influence them of the pneumopatias when related to the aging they can previously be of inserted in the joint actions sights that they contribute to promote the decline of the pulmonary functions. For Kauffman (2001), the good conditioning of the pulmonary system if characterizes for the fact of the individual to have a good mobility of the torcica box and a good conditioning of the respiratory muscles that go to facilitate the mechanics of the exchange of oxygen for fabrics of the pulmonary system.

System vascularO vascular system is one of the studious systems most boarded for in studies related with physical exercises, for the fact of the regulation of functions specifies of the system as, cardiac frequency (FC) and the arterial pressure (Par) among others, that they possess direct relation with the physical exercises. In some cases we will go to observe that this system can ahead promote restrictions and benefits of the training, we will speak of the main related alterations to the aging. According to Kauffman (2001), it was evidenced that the vascular system is constituted of a cycle of actions that are organized for the transport of oxygen for the body, in which obtains to identify three processes of transport that they are: the transport of oxygen of the external way for the half intern it body, the circulation it oxygen in the body and of supply of oxygen to fabrics.


System Culture

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It started if to delineate, thus, the contours of a social movement of character strong libertarian, with an enormous one I appeal next to youth of urban average layers and with an one practical and iderio that placed in xeque, frontalmente, some values central offices of the culture occidental person, especially certain essential aspects of the rationality propagated and privileged for this same culture. Despite differing very from the traditional organized movements of social plea? this in such a way for the flags that raised, how much for the way directed that them? the cultivation obtained to affirm itself, to the eyes of the System and the oppositions (despite generating untiring quarrels), as a movement deeply catalytic and questionador, capable to inaugurate for significant sectors of the population of the United States and the Europe, initially, and of some countries of it are of the developed world, later, a style, a life way and a culture undrerground, delinquent that, at least gave what to think. (PEAR TREE, 1992, p.8-9). In accordance with PEAR TREE (1992), the term ' ' contracultura' ' it was invented by the North American press, in years 60, to assign the new cultural manifestations that had not only blossomed in the United States, as well as in the Europe and, with lesser intensity, in Latin America. Cultivation is the culture delinquent, independent of the official recognition. In the truth, it is a sufficiently coherent term, therefore the basic characteristics of the movement it is the fact of if opposing, in different ways to the effective culture. It still classifies the cultivation in two different ways: 20 as a historical phenomenon, whose origin can be given in the decade of 60, giving the direction of that it was only established; as a position in face of the conventional culture, of critical radical, giving the direction that is and always will be.