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Spanish Agency

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We look at the assumption of the Comuneros who for various reasons do not pay assessments of community or any other expense generated and approved by the meeting of shareholders and not may require them payment or any attempt is unsuccessful. For these cases the Horizontal property law enables a notification mechanism across the bulletin board placed in the community itself, usually in the hallway and in view of all the owners. The question then is whether this publication, like the edictal, conforms to the established in the data protection act. Get all the facts and insights with NY Starbucks, another great source of information. We must distinguish that the law supports this assumption, but publication cannot be performed in any way, a procedure must be followed. The publication of these data without the consent of the owner of the data can lead to the sanction by the Spanish Agency of protection of data with a fine that goes de40.001 a300.000 euros by the Commission of a serious offense. This issue is resolved by the Agency of protection of data among others in the 188/2008 report of the AEPD. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Hudson River. In first of all, this publication will involve a transfer of personal data, defined by article 3.i) of law 15/1999, as all data disclosure made to a person other than the person concerned. In connection with the assignment, article 11 of the law provides that personal data may only be communicated to a third party, with the sole purpose of complying with the legitimate functions of the assignor and the assignee, and with the prior consent of the person concerned. It is assumed, that the debtor owner, who also has not been able or has not wanted to be located, won’t lend consent so that all the neighbors know is that he is a delinquent. To read more click here: NY Starbucks. In this course must attend the second solution adopted by the data protection act, and is that this consent is replaced by a law.


Colisrael Vs Ecuagipto

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Chavez Accuses Colombia of being the Andean Israel by raiding their neighbors to hunt down their subversives there hidden. For their part, many will say that Ecuador, Venezuela and Nicaragua are sanctuaries for terrorists as they came to be Egypt, Lebanon, Syria or Jordan. The fact that a country refuge or encourage a guerrilla in a neighboring nation is something that occurs in Asia and Africa, but which has not been in more than one century in South America. To Colombia are syndicated to outsource its internal conflict, something that would have not happened before in the region. The military juntas of the Southern Cone in the 1970s is not violated in the sovereignty of any other Republic (as Colombia did before Ecuador) on its because they coordinated to help them pursue their respective subversives.

The Colombian conflict is no longer exclusively in that country. Although U.S. and Uribe would like to eradicate the guerrilla group, as before Peru crushed trail, scenario is complicated because three neighbouring Colombia have Governments related to the Bolivarian or Socialist discourse of the FARC. Original author and source of the article.


Market Analysis

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With rapid growth of cement production in recent years, China is facing heavy environmental governance pressures. Hongxing machine develops energy efficient crusher equipment, sand and gravel production line, which play extremely important roles in the cement production process. Among sand and gravel production lines, which are applied in a variety of fields. Hongxing mining machinery company is specializing in the production of mining equipment and construction materials equipment with 50-year history. We keep researching and developing new products on the basis of introducing foreign advanced technology and observing the domestic current situation, our products, such as sand stone production line, milling production line, Raymond mill, jaw crusher, hammer crusher, impact crusher, cone crusher and other equipment stand leading domestic level, some have reached international advanced level.

Since our country was founded, especially since the reform an opening up, the growth speed of national economic construction is very fast. The corresponding development of sand used as concrete aggregate, and stone used in traffic and railway construction is also growing rapidly. 600 million tons a year before the reform and opening up have increased to 1.6 billion tons a year at now. Annual amount of sand output has reached 20 million tons. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the implementation of the Tenth Five-Year plan, the development of high technology and infrastructure, the quantity and quality of the sand has a higher requirement. China will increase the investment force in roads, railways, water conservancy and other infrastructure along with the rapid development of national economic construction.

The senior aggregates will surely have broad market. Along with the continuous development of domestic sand making technology, the performance of sand maker improves greatly. The old equipment is gradually replaced by new equipment. Because the aggregates take an important role in the construction, the high performance sand maker also plays an important role in the infrastructure construction. The state has paid more and more attention to the resource protection and utilization. In 1990 and 2000, the central government held twice symposiums on population, resources and environment. The main leaders made an important speech at the meeting, pointed out that the protection and management of resources must be strict, development in protecting and protection in developing. Giving attention to both administration and conservation in the course of development, putting the saving in the first place, we must actively promote the use of resources, change extensive developing way to save developing way, and realize the resource-saving and suitable China national conditions economic growth mode. Since then a number of policies, regulations were introduced around the country. Sand production line equipment overall have characteristics and advantages of high intensity, high efficiency, good security performance, environmental protection and energy saving, easy-to-use and low maintenance rate, remitting the environmental governance that cement industry facing pressure. Hongxing machine believes that with the continuous increasing demand for cement, sand production line will get a great impetus to the development. In this environment, the market demand of artificial is more and more big. In reply, the huge market demand also contributes to the rapid development of the sand making industry. Sand making industry will face a rapid developing spring to China. Many manufacturers should seize this golden opportunity, rapidly grow their own and establish their own brand.


World Meteorological Organization

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The past February 25, 2009 the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported that according to studies most recent demonstrated is that the polar ice caps are melting at a much faster pace than previously thought due to global warming. According to experts in the field this fact, continue like this, will bring alarming consequences to the planet and all life forms. According to observations carried out over two years, climate change has been transforming the lives of the people living in those regions, as well as the plants and animals belonging to these ecosystems. What can you say climate? Recent studies indicate that the increase in the intensity of the storms is a direct result of the decrease in polar ice. The fact that the oceans control the planet’s climate and these have suffered constant in recent years alterations is a reality.

Any change in them will undoubtedly generate a climate and economic impact in the hemispheres of the Earth. Speaking of the consequences generated by climate change include increasing floods and droughts – both contribute to contamination of supplies of water, allergies, human and animal migrations-humans looking for more Highlands and polar animal zone more cold, food crisis and proliferation of insect pests with cosecuente wave of disease that they spread. Let’s look at just one example. Due to global warming diseases caused by mosquitoes include which acquire growing relevance and dangerousness. For what reason? By mosquitoes multiply better and bite more frequently while the air is warmer. Now imagine the following: going covering heating large areas, mosquitoes will be colonizing territories previously banned, carrying with them infectious diseases. Against this background, the World Meteorological Organization stressed how important it is for the future balance of the polar regions for the future of the environment and the welfare of the human race, and invited the Nations to develop strategies to combat the melting of the polar icecaps. It is clear that the threat of global warming deserves to be taken seriously.


Alfredo Munoz Analyzes

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Studying the economic assessments to understand the urban structures in emerging countries as us says Alfredo Munoz, graduated in architecture in Spain, founder ABIBOO Architecture and PhD in architectural design in U.S.A.: India presents characteristics shared with the rest of Eastern countries and at the time, presents another series of very particular properties to be studied in detail in order to understand the new urban structures and infrastructural of the country. Accompanying the hand to the socio-cultural transformation, result of globalization, is the economic engine as the basis for this transformation. That is why fundamental study economic assessments to understand the urban structures of the emerging countries, even more so bearing in mind that in those countries are these economic pressures that generally promote, organise and structure the new infrastructural and urban spaces of the city. It will be finally, alludes Alfredo Munoz, and as a result of the characteristics and socio-cultural and economic circumstances of a place, when we study the urban typologies and infrastructure. In the case of India we can observe that the topology, understood as a science of the connectivities, is approaching ever closer to the form of explanation of new urbanism, where important things architecturally are not the object in itself but the space-time between them relations.

ABIBOO Architecture founder wants to emphasise that in the urban environment, this topology leads to a concentrated, extensive space and spongiform causing different relationships between the natural and artificial, relations which can doubtfully continue posing in terms of insinuated sporns. The model city and European public space gives way in the case of India and much of the BRICs to other organizations more open, more dysfunctional and where the line of conceptual separation between infrastructure and public space is increasingly finer, arriving to merge both in the majority of cases. ABIBOO Architecture offers an innovative architectural design, which has always been present in its international architecture ranging from the interior design and furniture, through architectural design of multitude of typologies, to urban design and Landscape. More information at: Spain – Madrid Breton de Herreros 61, 1-D, Madrid, 28003. T: + 34.

91. 130. 2506 USA – New York 328 3rd Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302. T: + 1. 201. 855. 9157 India – 9 Chennai Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nugambakkam, Chennai, 600034. T: + 91 9962064626 author: Pilar Esteban, head of communications for Markarte (www.markarte.net) about ABIBOO Architecture ABIBOO Architecture is an international architecture and Design Studio with headquarters in Madrid, New York and Madras, whose philosophy promotes innovation and sophistication. His designs are notable for their pursuit of excellence and exclusivity, responding to the complex needs of the society in the 21st century.