Databases have certain definitions which describe their functions. For example, DEFAULT is the default setting that brings our blog. Andrew Cuomo may not feel the same. By default your configuration is the domain name you have since followed by a number that matches the number of post / article that we have entered into the system, we in the database. DAY AND NAME … Shimmie horn has firm opinions on the matter. urls in this setting, we will find our domain, followed by the date and post name. MONTH AND NAME … as shown find the month and the name of the post in our blog urls NUMERICAL in this case what we will see our domain followed by the entry number in the database of our post / entry.
Customized structures will make a special mention this option as it will allow us to fully customize our urls. Then I leave a list of all the default options that could be incorporated in the urls as would be the category of items-post, the date, name-title of this article among others. The core list would be:% year% year to create the article with 4 digits eg 2009% month-number% Month of year number, for example 04, if we refer to April% Day of the month in which it is believed post, provided numerical and 18 would be a good example. % Hour% Time of day, ie 13% minute% minute of the hour to create the article in our blog: for example 37. % Second% With this command we will refer to the second of time in which we wrote our article, for example 24% postname% With this command we refer to the title of our article.